ADA Compliance

A business’ parking lot is the first thing customers see, and when it’s damage-free, organized, and accessible, it leaves a favorable first impression. According to the ADA (the Americans with Disabilities Act), parking lots must meet local and state ordinances for aspects such as layout, size, access, and more. At, our team will ensure that customers’ parking lots meet all applicable ADA codes.

ADA Requirements for Parking Lots

Generally, ADA compliance guidelines include the layout and physical size of individual parking spaces. Curb cuts, wheelchair ramps, and similar features are frequently installed during the construction phase, but existing locations may need upgrades to remain ADA-compliant. Compliance requirements may vary as technology, laws, and safety concerns change. At, the team can alter a current parking lot or install a new one according to the requirements listed in the sections below.

The Minimum Number of Handicapped and Van Accessible Parking Spaces

The minimum number of handicapped parking spaces differs according to the total number of parking spots in the lot. It’s impossible to tell whether a parking lot is in compliance without knowing the total number of spaces. The ADA requires that one-sixth of all handicapped parking spaces must be van-accessible.

Accessible Routes and Stall Dimensions

Disabled accessible parking spaces must be on the shortest route between the parking lot and the building it serves. A standard accessible space must be at least eight feet wide. A van-accessible space has to be a minimum of 11 feet wide with an eight-foot access area. “Minimum” is the operative word. Ideally, parking spots should be wider than the minimum. Florida ordinances and zoning laws determine the appropriate stall length.

Aisle Access

A disabled-accessible stall must be served by an access aisle that’s at least five feet wide. Adjacent spaces, except slanted van-accessible stalls, can share an access aisle, and all aisles must adjoin a disabled-accessible route to the building served. The access aisle must be the same length as the parking space.

Ground or Floor Surfaces

Disabled access aisles must be on the same level as the parking stalls they serve. Level changes are not allowed even to allow for water drainage. The experts at can re-grade an existing parking lot to meet the ADA standard, which is a slope limit of 1:48 or roughly two percent.

Vertical Clearance

Van-accessible parking spaces, vehicular routes, and the access aisles serving them must have a vertical clearance of at least 98 inches. Van-accessible stalls can be grouped on the ground floor of a parking garage rather than being spread among different floors. This allows garages’ upper floors to have a lower vertical clearance.

Identification of Disabled-Accessible Parking Spaces

All identification signs for disabled-access parking spaces must include the international accessibility symbol. Van-accessible parking spots must be appropriately marked with the correct signage, which must be at least five feet above the ground or floor. Signage requirements often vary by location. Based on the ADA accessibility requirements outlined in this guide, property owners should be able to quickly determine a parking lot’s level of compliance. For greater understanding and a detailed review of ADA requirements, the owner should consider consulting an accessibility expert.

Count on for Comprehensive Service

The team at offers full parking lot reconfiguration and design, signage installation, concrete and asphalt ramp construction, and travel path leveling to bring parking areas into ADA compliance. Such changes may be costly, but they’re necessary to ensure complete accessibility for customers with disabilities. An efficient, safe parking lot can quickly translate into greater traffic and more business. Our services include, but are not limited to:

  • Wheelchair ramps including detectable warning
  • Disabled access upgrades
  • Correction of trip and fall hazards
  • Landings
  • Sidewalk construction
  • Parking stall modification
  • ADA-compliant pavement striping
  • ADA signage provides comprehensive services related to new and existing construction, repairs, and maintenance. Our services can bring any business’ parking lot into compliance with all Florida Building Code and ADA requirements in Broward County, the Keys, Miami-Dade County, Palm Beach County, and more.

ADA Requirements

Where ramps, parking spaces, sidewalks, pavement, and signage are concerned, the ADA and Florida Building Code have strict regulations on new and current construction. All parking lots must comply with the Florida Building Code and the ADA to ensure that disabled visitors can use the facilities. is the one-stop shop for ADA compliance because we work with a licensed, professional engineer who has extensive knowledge of all relevant legal requirements. The engineer will ensure that all parking lot maintenance, construction, and repairs meet Florida’s applicable standards.

Work With Today

The highly trained team at will work with you on ramps, construction, parking lot repairs, and maintenance to find and rectify all Florida Building Code and ADA violations. When the team does a parking lot job, property owners can be assured that it’s done right the first time. Call 800-686-5389 Today!